Pullover Productions presents

Bartholomew Binns & Bastard Hank Phelan is the second in a series of Western one-acts by John Hamilton.

The law of the west is debated and challanged by an outlaw, an artist and a hangman when a small wagon party stumbles across the killing grounds of the fiercest gunslinger west of the Missouri. Winged serpents, beastiality, high art, prarie hallucinogenics and the spectre of death are all on display in what can best be described as an "Acid Western."

Also on the bill:

The Stetson Argument by John Hamilton

When a ranch-hand is forced to trade his cowboy hat for a helmet someone has to pay for such an indignity: The insistant rancher or the hand who forced the change. One thing is for certain, over Catfish's dead body will he ride the range without his Stetson.

Every Friday and Saturday night at The Edinberg Castle, July & August 2006.

Visit the Pullover Productions website here!